Getting ready to publish the message!
It's time I get back to blogging. Left it now for far too long! It's all the more necessary now that I am getting ready to publish the transformational message God has imprinted upon my heart for a number of years: The Well-digger Message.
I was probably not aware of the depth of what the Lord was inscribing upon my heart when I first preached on Becoming a Well-digger. It was at Cornerstone Christian Centre in Bromley, UK, in December 2005. A year later, I published the book The Secret of Abraham, which introduced the Well-digger revelation. Now, in the middle of 2012, the time is right for the message.
Every God-breathed word is a double edged sword that cuts deep to the heart of man. This message will cut and will also heal. This message will produce a Kingdom people with a Kingdom mindset. May the voice of the Lord be heard across the land as the message is declared to all who have ears to hear. Amen.
Hi Well-Digger,
I too am a well digger, starting my journey in 2006. Your blog has gave me a buzz reading it, and will come back to follow your journey.
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