Tuesday, 7 June 2011

A New Season!

A new season has dawned upon many in the Body of Christ, and with it is fresh grace for the race. Those who have remained faithful to God and His Word in the times of littleness will find their steps increasingly ordered to the place of purpose and fruitfulness. Doors will open for these ones and through watchfulness, they will enter into the right door - God's door; one that cannot be shut by man or circumstances - and encounter much favour on the other side.

It is time, then, to arise! Time to shine! Light has come from the Lord and glory is breaking forth from the heavens. Do not miss this season through unbelief; do not hinder yourself through disobedience. Whatever the Lord says, do. Wherever the Lord leads, go. We walk by faith and triumph in joy!...

For nearly two years, the Lord had spoken to me about the next phase of my life and ministerial journey. I am now stepping into what He told me, yes, the beginnings of it. So, I believe every word of this prophecy and know that the One who has spoken is faithful.

I will soon begin to share more about this "next phase" and the work the Lord is calling me and mine to. Meanwhile, be inspired by the word of the Lord and do not shrink back from sharing your story too. Who knows, you may just be the inspiration that someone needs to enter into the fullness of their season!


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