There are thorns on my Rose flower!
Ouch! That really hurt! Nobody told me that roses have thorns. Would I have to live with them?
When I found my "rose" a few 21 years ago, and later formalised my "ownership" 7 years later, I could only see the glorious, colourful petals and enjoy the sweet aroma that she gave. I was not fully aware of the thorny bits down the stem. Unfortunately, we were not always together in the same town. And even if we were, I probably would not have noticed them anyway. We were young, you see, and we had heard from God... Oh how necessary it is to have some good counsel before plucking the rose (or allowing yourself to be plucked)!
I also had a belief at the time (somewhere in me it is still held as true) that marriage can be a replica of Eden, if both man and woman are committed to God and to each other. There should not be any insurmountable problem if God is in the mix. I used to identify with those who "testified" that they have never had a fight in their marriage. Why should you if you are both taught by God to love? Well... it wasn't too long before... ouch! Where did that come from?
Truth is, we all come into marriage with different baggage, events that are a part of our history, things that the enemy of oneness can use against us at the slightest of chances. Every issue not dealt with beforehand is an opportunity for attack. Sadly, we had loads of such and they all began to backfire around the same time. Add to that the fact that Mine could not join me in the UK for the next 3 1/2 years after marriage (and I was only able to visit twice within that time). Ouch! We sure did not envisage that!
This much I know now: Roses have thorns, many of them. Big sharp ones; tiny stubborn ones. They are part of the package. We learn to live and deal with them...
This more I know: the less baggage we bring to the place called home, the better. At least, we should be aware of what we are carrying; most of the time we are not, and when it is pointed out to us, we react in defense. The reality is that our Father, who knows our end from the beginning, has as the option of making us better people in the home context, and the process of becoming a better person is never without a few "ouches"!!! Even the Rose of Sharon wore a crown of thorns...
One more thing I know: God's grace is sufficient for the faithful in heart...
Lord, what can I say? You have brought us this far. Please take us further into your will and purpose for our lives. Continue to teach us, and may that which we have already been taught be a blessing to many a generation. Thank you Father!