Sunday, 24 June 2007

This one thing I ask

Most of the time, we have a long list of requests that we bring before God. We want this and then that, all of them at the same time. But there is a practice that may prove more efficient, the practice of "This one thing I ask."

There is power in prioritising and focusing. If out of the catalogue of requests, God opts to answer just one, which would you prefer it to be? Also, if after this is done, He chooses to grant another, do you have a preference? Not that God cannot do everything all at once; in practice, I think He deals with us step by step, one issue after the other. This is the secret of growth and order.

I have found that sometimes, the Spirit is trying to teach me one principle over a period of time. It has also been valuable to set my heart on what He is doing at the moment and make requests in that context. By doing this, I am certain of an answer that will glorify the Lord.

Remember, if you ask anything according to God's will, He will do it. Therefore, seek to know His will for every moment.

This one thing, O Lord, I ask and the same will I seek.


Anonymous,  25 June 2007 at 21:51  

I quite agree with your posting. God is an awsome God!He grants us our request in His own time and not ours. We only need to be still and know He is God.

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